Whiskey and a Map
Imagine yourself seated in your favorite pub. A map lying out on the old wooden table. Your guest begins “there I was …”

Imagine yourself seated in your favorite pub. A map lying out on the old wooden table. Your guest begins “there I was …”
The podcast is available on all major podcast platforms: Apple, Spotify, Google etc.
I really enjoyed doing this podcast and think it is among the best I've ever done. Michael Reinhart is a patient and perceptive interviewer ... Tim Cahill, adventure writer & co-founder of Outside Magazine
What a “You are there” experience!
Your interview with Dr. Turk- through your gentle guidance and knowledgeable interview style- lends much insight as to how, even since before recorded history, humans such as the Stone Age mariners set out on adventures that could often end in death.
Or… that could begin a new life, and new ways of seeing a brand new world from “over the horizon.”
So well done, Mike.
I look forward to more of these podcasts.
Cathy W.
Thank you Michael, not only for sharing photos and stories of your own journeys and amazing adventures - but also for the stories that capture your eye, heart and mind, of eclectic, wondrous adventurers that you share with us on your podcasts! Your interesting questions invite their unique journeys and colorful responses as though we’re right there. Love the stories, love your work! Cheers
Victoria N.
So cool! I just subscribed! I love podcasts and I love adventure! Can’t wait to listen to all the episodes so far. Cindy P.
Great podcast! I would 100% recommend this podcast to anyone that is interested in traveling or amazing story telling! The host does an amazing job at sharing stories from people all over the world! Go check it out, you will not be disappointed! Kelsey R.
Michael Reinhart in an amazing conversation about pharmacy, spirituality and the things we have no idea that exists. Where the borders between science and spiritual fade! Diana V.
Driving across the African continent in an old Land Rover. Safari guide in the remote Zambezi valley. Join us as we hear tales of classic African adventure from Rob Fynn.
Rob Fynn's family goes back in Africa six generations. He was brought up in Rhodesia and then at age 18 he left to join the Royal Navy. He was asked to leave when UDI was declared and all Rhodesians in the British armed forces were now regarded as potential rebels.
After pursuing his engineering degree at Bristol University, he returned home driving across the African continent in a Land Rover, which led him into starting up a safari operation in the remote Zambezi valley of Zimbabwe.
Rob Fynn is a professional guide and author. His book, Angels in a Thorn Bush is good reading. Available at Amazon and good book stores.
Follow Rob at https://www.facebook.com/rob.fynn.
Support Michael's work by visiting MichaelReinhartPhotography.com
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